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SMPOA Board Minutes from August, 2015
Posted on Aug 29th, 2015

SMPOA Board Meeting
Monday, August 17h, 2015   6:00 PM
Attendees:  Carole deBack, Ellie Perret, Scott Gremillion, Colleen Milfelt, Ginger D’Antoni, Alma Roy, Rodney Schoemann and Ali Alexis
Welcome and Introductions
The new board members were welcomed and Officer titles were determined:
President – Carole deBack                            VP – Scott Gremillion
Treasurer – Larry Muenzler                          Secretary – Colleen Milfelt
                                        WebMaster – Ellie Perret
Members-at-large:  Ginger D’Antoni, Alma Roy and Rodney Schoemann
Approval of July Minutes
Communication with Webmaster
Ellie reports that communications have been few; one concern about a vacant lot in filing #7 that needed cutting.  As of the meeting, the lot has been cut. 
Homeowner Issues & General Issues
Delinquent Payment Report – the report was discussed in detail:
Boat Launch Lighting – Installation is still pending with Entergy.  Carole is to contact Mr. Thomas at Entergy to check status.  Much discussion about what should be done with regard to trespassers late at night.  The board decided to revisit the issue after the light and signage is installed, to review the impact and if additional measures will be required.
Ginger D’Antoni to obtain pricing on fence to inhibit bikes and 4-wheelers access to the property behind homes.
Sign warning of trespassing if not a SM resident; camera will be installed once the light is in place.
Pier has been repaired by Ken Lee
Gas light in Charlestown – Ali to await Atmos from 8 to Noon on 8/18/15 to ensure line is activated and light turned on.
Bids will be obtained from several tree services to trim the oaks on the Parkway, maintaining a 14’ clearance for trucks.
A portion of Parkside residents were advised of the need to keep the back walkways free of mud and debris that could be hazardous.  There have been positive responses and the walkway behind one group of homes has improved.
Financial Update – the financials were reviewed and approved
New Issues
Oktoberfest –It was decided the date would be Saturday, October 31st in Parkside Park from 1:00 – 4:00 PM.  Suggestions were given for a variety of events for the youth.  Ellie and Carole to organize and advise board members of any assistance needed.
Survey – Final DRAFT of survey will be distributed to board members for their review and comment by 8/24/15.  The survey will be short; communication with the board and response to issues is much more immediate as a result of email and the website.
Current Board members feel the best use of association funds would be to install additional surveillance cameras at strategic location.  Carole explained the value of being able to narrow the search by SM sections, ie Parkside, Montclair, Charlestown, Villas, Greens, Lakes, Grove etc. 
Discussion was held to host an out of town LSU Game Night in Parkside for a neighborhood show.  September 12th was suggested vs Mississippi State – 8:15 PM game.  Carole to research.
It was the general perspective of the board that creating and updating a database for Text Alerts is premature.  Will revisit in 2016 or beyond.
Database of homeowners was reviewed; corrections will be made and sent to Ali for maintenance.
The next meeting will be Monday, September 21st – 6:00 PM  BREC Clubhouse.
                Meeting was adjourned 8:00 PM